
A simple Java project build script.

  # jrun.sh
  if [ "$#" != "1" ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]
    echo "jrun <MainClass>"
  if ! [ -d "src" ]
    echo "No src/ directory found."
    return 1
  list_sources () { find -type f -name '*.java' -printf '%P\0'; }
  list_resources () { find -type f -not -name '*.java' -printf '%P\0'; }
  mkdir -p build/ &&
  # Change into the src/ directory
  # List and compile all .java files, and output into the ../build/ directory.
  echo "Compiling .java files ..." &&
  pushd src/ && list_sources | xargs -0 javac -d ../build/ && popd &&
  # Create a .jar file to bundle & distribute your program.
  #   c = create new archive (jarfile)
  #   v = verbose
  #   f = archive/jar filename
  #   e = entrypoint (main class) name
  #   -C build/ . = Change into build dir and include class files from there
  #     (so they don't end up in a build folder in the jar)
  echo "Making .jar from .class files ..." &&
  jar cvfe "$1".jar "$1" -C build/ . &&
  # Change into src/ dir, and add resources to jar file
  #   u = update jar file, add new items
  #   $resources = (unquoted important) list the resources files (.jpeg, .xml, etc) to include
  echo "Adding resources to .jar ..." &&
  pushd src/ && list_resources | xargs -0 jar uvf ../"$1".jar && popd &&
  # Run the binary
  echo "Done." &&
  java -jar "$1".jar &&
  # Pause after finish (useful in '$ clear; jrun MyApp' one-liners)
  read -n 1 -p "Press any key to continue ..."